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Learning for all ages.

Christ the King offers a robust Christian education program for students all ages. All of our Education classes meet from 9:45AM to 11:00AM on Sunday mornings, in between services. All are welcome. See below for an overview of our classes.


Click here to register for the 2024-25 school year.

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Kids Sunday School

Calling all Pre-school through 5th grade kids! We welcome you all to join us on a journey of faith that will plant seeds for a lifetime.  Our caring, engaging teachers are ready to guide you through the exciting stories of the Bible the way kids learn best --  through engaging activities, interactive games, creative crafts and nurturing relationships.  You'll develop a foundation in the Bible that will support your learning through Christ the King's high school program and beyond.  And you'll foster friendships in small groups with kids your age that will make the adventure fun.  When class is done, grab a friend and head to the playground, play some tetherball, or shoot hoops on the sport court out back.  


Sixth, seventh and eighth graders will learn to challenge, question, dig deeper and develop the tools needed to explore the meaning of scripture today and for the rest of your lives. Engaging conversation, hands-on service opportunities and a vibrant junior high youth group will help you all explore God’s Word, deepen your faith and develop strong Christian relationships that will stay with you through high school and beyond. 


Together, we’ll visit congregations of other faiths, participate in retreats, and connect with God’s people through mission trips, Salvation Army Grate Patrol, and much more. 


Senior High 

In high school? Wonder what the Bible means for your life? Just as Martin Luther asks: “So What Does This Mean?”… That’s the approach that your dedicated team of leaders is going to take as they guide you through your faith journey and Bible Study this year. Join us for music videos, great conversations and an in-depth look at God’s Word, as you take a seat on one of the couches in the senior high lounge….or roast s’mores at the firepit outside.


Adult Forum

A Sunday morning program for adult formation designed so you can come and go as you please. Class begins at 9:45 a.m. and ends in time for 11:00 a.m. worship. Join in person or on Zoom.


Our current sessions are:


January 12 – March 2: Partnerships in Ministry – Christ the King supports and participates in work and ministry being done by many agencies in and around Northern Virginia. During these weeks, we’ll be hearing from and conversing with representatives of some of those agencies.

           January 12 – Robert Mertz from the Olive Oil Ministry

           January 19 – The Adult Forum will join the whole congregation in writing valentines for                                                  Hearts for Heroes. We’ll meet in Gysan Hall.

           January 26 – Deacon Dave Larrabee from The Lamb Center


            Februrary 2 - A representative will talk about The Shepherd's Center


            February 9  -  Robin Strickler from the Rwamagana Leadership School


            February 16  - Tonya Thomas from the Salvation Army Grate Patrol

                                       (Tonya will not be with us in person, she will attend the Adult Forum by Zoom.)                                           

             February 23 - Margaret Anne Lara from Cornerstones


             March 2 - Amy Joyce from A Simple Gesture/Cool Green Bag


The class is always designed so that participants can drop in and out as their schedule permits; each week’s unit is self-contained. The class is hybrid—some come in person, others join online using this zoom link:


Meeting ID: 558 520 7407; Passcode: We_Learn​​


Want to learn more?

Any questions -- or interested in joining the teaching team?  Our Sunday School teachers are glad to tell you more about the classes available at Christ the King. Please contact Heidi Toloczko for more info.

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10550 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls, VA 22066   |  Tel: (703) 759-6068

Church Office Hours: Mon-Wed, 10:00 – 3:00 (closed federal holidays)


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